Monday, September 25, 2006

Much better since my last post.

Phew. What a rollercoaster week.

I am much better now. In fact, by Saturday, I was sick of having hubby around, lol. Today, he is back at work, on restricted duty. I am so glad to have some time back for me.

He saw the orthopedic doctor on Tuesday. They took the splint from the ER off, and now he has a regular cast. He will keep that cast on for 4 weeks, then they will remove it and re-xray his arm. If it looks healed, he will have 2 weeks of physical therapy to regain the strength back in that arm. If not, he will get a splint for 2 more weeks, then the 2 weeks of physical therapy. He's hoping it's healed after the 4 weeks, because he is anxious to get back to work. He's only allowed to push papers on restricted duty. BORING for him.

I have a nice, big list of house and yard projects I can work on.... Where to start.... I'm almost giddy with excitement!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I've definitely had better weekends...

We had a bit of a crisis in the Cuckoo Nest household on Sunday night. It was about 11:30pm and my phone rings. On caller ID, I see it's hubby's phone. I figure he's calling me to tell me he got ordered for overtime. I answer, and instead of his voice, it's someone else. She introduces herself, informs me she's an EMT, and tells me my dh has been in an accident. My heart was just about to drop to the floor when she tells me not to worry as he is conscious and his injuries appear to be not life threatening.

For any of you that don't know, my hubby is a deputy. He was on a pursuit - he clocked someone doing 80 in a 55, so he turned around to follow the car. He got closer to the car as it approached an intersection where the car decided to blow through the stop sign. Dh flipped on his lights to start the pursuit at that point and the car ACCELERATED to try and outrun dh.

The car turns down a side road and turns off it's lights to try and avoid being seen. Dh follows him - he can still see the reflection of his lights on the other car. The car he was chasing made it around a fairly tight curve at a high rate of speed. Dh's squad didn't. Dh estimates he was doing about 100mph when he left the road.... He hit a tree.

And get this - all he has is a few scrapes and a broken arm. That's it. He's sooooooooo damn lucky.... He definitely had his guardian angels busy that night.

He was seen in the ER, treated and released, and then his supervisor made him come into the office to dictate a report and fill out workman's comp paperwork. I finally got home around 4am and decided going to sleep at that point was futile, as I had to get up in two hours to get Frodo off to school. Once he was at school, I collapsed asleep on the couch.

I always figure I'm ok so long as the sheriff isn't walking up my sidewalk at home to talk to me. (He did come to the ER to see dh though. Which I think is awesome considering this is a really big department.) I was fine until last night.

Last night, I was getting in bed and got myself all curled up under the blankets to go to sleep. Just as I was relaxing, it was as though something inside snapped and I cried and cried and cried. It was at that point I realized I easily could've been a widow. I had been feeling so relieved that he wasn't hurt worse. But the flip side snapped back at me last night. It's not gone yet. I'm still feeling crummy.

And I'm breaking one of my biggest rules - I'm having a drink while feeling crummy. One glass of wine. Then I'm going to bed to sleep.

By the way, the wet tea bag trick works well for puffy eyes.

And yes, they eventually caught the guy who tried to outrun him. He was just an 18 year old kid that didn't want a speeding ticket. So now, along with the speeding ticket, he also has a ticket for running a stop sign and a felony charge of eluding an officer. He got to spend a night in jail too. He should've just taken the speeding ticket. Idiot.

Friday, September 08, 2006

I have just four words to share today....

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Ok. So I lied.

I said something in the last post about calling it a night.... That was at least an hour ago. Instead, I followed a trail.

Last month, Cursing Mama borrowed a me-me post. (Ok. She actually states she "Totally ripped (it) off from Keri". I just thought I'd use a kinder, gentler term.) I followed the trail of links backwards as one poster *borrowed* it from another. I found a few new blogs to link to because I enjoyed them enough to share. (See sidebar to the right where I keep a list of links.)

The first new one I posted is Keri. >waving< Hi Keri! I bump into her often at Cursing Mama's blog. I just enjoy reading her.

The second new one I posted is titled "Steve's Nude Memphis Blog". No, I'm not linking to any *adult only* sites, although I'm certain it isn't work or kid friendly. I laughed until there were tears streaming down my face at some of the stories he wrote - a couple examples would be this and this. I'm keeping it for future LUTATSDMF (laugh until there are tears streaming down my face) moments. But don't say I didn't warn you.

The third new one I found on my little scavenger hunt is Leesa. Probably a complete opposite of Steve. She has pretty photos and neat stories.

So far, that's all I've added. I still have a few old links there from past pals and they haven't posted anything to their blogs in a loooooong time.... But I leave the links there in hopes that they will eventually start posting again. Is there a statute of limitations on how long I can leave a link up to a blog that never updates?

Now I'm seriously going to bed. No lie this time.

And yet another prolonged absence...

I'm such a slacker.

This time my excuse is that I really was sick. In my last post, I wanted to call in sick even though I wasn't. But I didn't. So for karmic payback, I got a nasty cold. I fell asleep on Saturday at about 5pm and pretty much slept thru until Monday at 10am. I occasionally got up and drank some juice or peed though. But I was never up for long. I'm glad I have a comfy couch.

I'm hoping I have some good early season antibodies built up now so I can have a healthy fall and winter. Yeah. That's it.


Frodo started school on Tuesday. He's in 4th grade now. He seems pretty indifferent about it, lol. When I try to think back about my experience in 4th grade, I really don't have any spectacular memories about it. I have lots of memories about 3rd grade, but I also had a unique experience where due to moving, I attended three different schools from September to May. I also have good memories of 5th grade. But all I can remember about 4th grade is that was the year EVERYONE had a large comb that stuck out of their back jeans pocket and I remember spending lots of time on social studies and maps and globes.

I sure do remember my US states and capitals, the South American countries and capitals, the European countries and capitals, and just the African countries though! (For some reason, we didn't have to learn African capitals.) Maybe they didn't teach us anything else in 4th grade....


Of course of the past couple weeks, I've had some *Aha! I should write about that!* moments. But do you think I can remember a single one? I'm gonna blame it on the excessive over-the-counter cold medications I've had to consume. With that said, I'm gonna call it a night.