Having trouble deciding....
...about who to support for the 2008 presidential election? I mean, it's only 16 months away. Who hasn't already decided? (Ha. Re-read the previous two sentences with sarcasm if you missed it the first time.)
This starting extra early crap just bugs the heck outta me. We're gonna be so burned out on "presidential politics" by THIS November, let alone NEXT November.
If you're interested though, here is an online tool that helps match you up with the candidate that best matches your stance on issues:
Then come back and let me know who you matched up with. I took it, and my first choice came up with "Theoretical Ideal Candidate". I bet I could write that one in....
I'll let you know who I matched best with later.
Dennis Kucinich 80%
Barak Obama 78%
Alan Augustson 78% (who is this)
Christopher Dodd 76%
Joseph Biden 72%
Hillary Clinton 71%
John Edwards 68%
I got that theoretical candidate too...but 2nd was Obama followed closely by Kucinich, Edwards, & Clinton...not surprised at all
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