Friday, January 07, 2005

I'm irritated

My right ear is bugging me. It hurt this morning when I woke up and it's all plugged up. I work in a doctor's office, so one of the *many* (ha!) benefits of that kind of job is that I can whine to one of my RN coworkers about my ear and she looks in it for me. She says, "Holy shit Mel, there's a lotta wax in there! Let me flush it out for you."

Let me say right now, I am NOT fond of people doing *stuff* to my ears. I hate, hate, hate having someone whisper in my ears. (If you ever wanna really piss me off, just whisper in my ear. I'll lose it. Seriously.) I hate when hubby tries to nibble on my ears. And I even hate having my hair touching my ears. (Can you say ~weird~? I think I'm a freak.) But I thought, oh, if it makes my ear feel better, I'll go for it. It can't be *that* bad.

She gets out her supplies and starts working on it. For starters, it's going ok. Partway through the third syringe full of water, I start getting dizzy. Not just a little dizzy, but suddenly VERY dizzy. I start tipping off the exam table, lol. She catches me and has me lay down. I nearly puke. (Isn't this a nice way to react to a coworker that is trying to help you out!???) Needless to say, I am DONE having my ear flushed, lol. But it's still plugged. Waaaah!!!!

So I approach the doc I work for (he is a pediatrician) and he kindly gets one of those scooper things and tries to dig the wax out for me. OMG, that HURTS!!! No wonder the kiddos scream when he does that! And I consider myself to have a high threshhold of pain.... He couldn't quite get all of it out, and now I have a piece wedged up against my eardrum and I can't hear a damn thing out of that ear. So that's why I'm irritated.

Tonight, I'm loopy on Sudafed and have some of those ooey gooey ear drops that soften the wax. I had to shove a cotton ball in there to keep the drops in. I can't stand how it feels. I hope these drops work fast to get my ear cleared! (I'm not just a freak, I'm an impatient freak, lol.)


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