Tuesday, January 11, 2005

So I find out today...

...from a local police officer, that it is actually considered LEGAL for one car to overtake and pass another car on a RESIDENTIAL street (namely, MY street!). I live just 4 houses down from an elementary school. Today as I'm walking Frodo to school, a minivan decides the car in front of it isn't driving fast enough and passes the car. This isn't the first time it's happened and it just pisses the heck outta me. This time I was able to get the license plate and a description of the vehicle and driver. I call the police station to file a complaint and he tells me there's nothing illegal about doing this "as long as it's done safely". WHAT?!?!?!????? I don't think any passing is safe unless you're on a highway or multiple lane business street! Ugh.

I am sooooo ready to sit outside (in my crazy ex-postal worker neighbor's driveway) and pelt the offending vehicles with snowballs or paintballs or other non-damaging objects. (Hey, I don't wanna get thrown in jail for damage to property! Although, it's starting to look like an acceptable risk to take to be able to get my point across!) Actually, I was talking about this with some neighbors of mine this past summer and we were thinking of sitting with a whole bunch of soccer balls and rolling them out into the street in front of cars to get the drivers to think about slowing down. Maybe this summer we can make a party of it! I'll bring the potato salad!


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