Saturday, May 21, 2005

Call Social Services On Me...

...because I'm neglecting my blog child! I won't even try to bore you with any of my lame excuses.


I've been trying to formulate a post in my head, but emotions keep getting in the way. If I tried to post it, it would come out as "braechumphlasletyharkumphgrrrargh! Gah!" with some scattered curse words tossed in. So I'm crusing my favorite blogs today and find this post that says exactly what is going thru my head, but in a much more eloquent way. (You rock Cecily!!) Whatever happened to media that stood behind what they said or published?? Nobody has any balls anymore. I think this is just another fine example of #6 on this list.


I'm going to go mow the yard. I'm very grateful to have a yard to call my own. I don't mind mowing because it's not 90ºF and humid yet. When we reach that part of summer, watch me start cursing the yard and wishing for the apartment renting days again....


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