Friday, April 22, 2005

It's Friday???

And I should add, it's April??? Hello? Just a few days ago I was in shorts and sandals. Tonight we've got flurries. Who's in charge of the weather?? I'd like to file a complaint!!!

The past couple days have been a huge blur. Sooooo busy at work, and then busy when I get home from work. My inconsiderate hubby didn't bother to do his share of the house/yard work yesterday, (he decided to sit inside and play video games instead....) so once I got home from work, I fed myself and Frodo (hubby leaves for work at 6pm), then I mowed the yard and did some cleaning since hubby was having some friends over this afternoon.... Grrrr.... Needless to say, I reminded him he owed me. ;) And I'll remind him again.... LOL.

Then tonight when I got home from work, Frodo and I went to his school's carnival. They only do this carnival once every three years, and after being there, I see why!!! OMG, it was huge! All sorts of games and prizes and food! It was too crowded for my tastes, but I don't like crowds anyhow, lol. They had tons of cool raffle prizes, and the tickets were anywhere from 25ยข to $1 depending on the size of the prize. We spent maybe $5 on raffle tickets and Frodo won a gift certificate for an overnight stay at a VERY COOL hotel with a HUGE indoor waterpark!!!! Woo Hoo!!!! He was pretty psyched to just win *something*. He didn't realize how big this *something* was until I showed him the hotel's website. ;) I'm pretty darn excited as I'll get to go too!

Ok. I've had a couple margaritas tonight and I'm crashing fast.... Good night.


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