Wednesday, January 18, 2006

This is... well...

The only word that comes to mind for me is disgusting. Wait. Let me get out my thesaurus. Here's more words: sickening, awful, creepy, revolting.... What am I all up in arms about do you ask? This news story. Go read it. I'll give you a minute.

So? How does that make you feel? See why I feel disgusted? This has the rotten smell of McCarthyism. The putrid stench of the Salem Witch Hunts. How far will the extreme right go before people actually start to complain? Or even take notice?

The current adminstration thinks it's perfectly acceptable to torture terror "suspects", even though one of the *bad* things Sadaam did that necessitated his ousting was that he tortured his own people. Anyone who disagrees with the current administration is instantly labeled "unpatriotic". Each and every day I am more and more convinced we are less of a democracy. Everybody get out your brown uniforms, put on your knee boots, and practice your goose stepping! Because that is the road we are headed down!


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