Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Stormy Weather

Those are the only two words I know to that song....

Frodo had a baseball game this evening. I knew storms would be moving into the area, but I estimated them to be arriving shortly after the game would be over. As the game was in the 5th inning, we could hear thunder in the distance and someone in charge decided to call the game for safety's sake. (I know it's not the umps that call the games off though, as they are all 13 and 14 year olds, lol.) Of course, with four little league games going on and almost over, and eight more teams waiting to start four more games, that means there were A LOT of vehicles trying to leave the ONE exit at the park all at the same time.... UGH!

Frodo and I decided to hit the Wendy's drive thru on the way home for supper. As I reach out my window to take a bag with my salad in it, a HUGE gust of wind comes out of nowhere and blows it away! Time for the storm to begin!

It was pouring buckets. We got an inch and a half of rain in about 30 minutes time. Not much lightning, no hail, but lots of wind and rain. It was very cool.

I really enjoy storms. I find weather to be very fascinating. I thought about getting a degree in meterology when I was in college. I had to nix that off the list once I found out how much math that would've entailed.... That math stuff seemed to limit a lot of things for me when I was in college. It's not that I was awful at it - I just HATED it.

I find myself thinking about career stuff more often the past year or so. I've been to three colleges and have 130 credits, but from all that, I have one vocational school degree.... I would like to get my bachelor's, but I don't know what I'd get it in. Or why. At the moment, it seems like it would be a big waste of money to get a degree I have no use for. I've been in nursing for 10½ years now, and the doctor I work for won't retire for about 10 more years, give or take a couple. I plan on staying there until he retires, and then I'll consider a career change.

Sometimes I think about what I *used* to think I wanted to be "when I grow up". Some folks know what they want to be from the very moment they take their first breath. One gal I know has ALWAYS wanted to be a nurse. She remembers being in kindergarten and knowing that was what she wanted to be. As a child/pre-teen, I didn't have any ideas. In junior high, my *big* aspiration was to go to cosmetology school. (Hey, when you're in a small town, opportunities like that seem big!) Two moves from that town and two schools later, it was my junior year in high school. I had a chemistry teacher pull me aside and tell me I had a really good grasp on chemistry and I should consider a career in chemical engineering. (This is actually one of only a very small handful of memories I have of my junior year.) I really enjoyed chemistry. I took a college level chemistry class my senior year of high school.

When I entered my freshman year of college, I intended on getting a chemical engineering degree. Until I found out about all that darn math.... I considered pharmacy. More math. Then there was the meterology thought. Of course, I was at a HUGE Big Ten university where advisors were hard to find, and when you did find yours, it was more frustration than help. After two years of floundering at that university, I left and enrolled in a small private college in town. The advisor there was wonderful, and I decided to take the track towards becoming a secondary education major. Just one semester of that, and I decided teaching wasn't for me. I was done with college for awhile.

In hindsight, I had two things that really interested me as a child, and had my parents been observant, I could've been directed towards those two things. One was books. I loved books. I even catalogued and alphabetized all the books I had. I created little checkout cards for each book along with *due date* slips. I missed my librarian calling! Right now, I volunteer once a week at Frodo's school library, shelving books and helping kids check out books. I LOVE it.

The other childhood interest I had was mysteries. I had made a little sign for my bedroom door saying I was a detective for hire. Of course, nobody hired me since my advertising was pretty limited, lol. To this day, I still love doing research and finding answers and doing puzzles.

So someday, maybe I'll try my hand at one of those. Or else I'll go with my enjoyment of weather and become a tornado chaser. :D


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