Monday, July 03, 2006

Celebrating Independence

We're all taking time this weekend to celebrate the birth of our nation. For most of us, that involves cookouts, fireworks, picnics, or parades. It involves food and drink and fun. I'm sure none of us would complain about a long weekend in the middle of summer to enjoy with family or friends. (If you are so lucky to have a long weekend to enjoy!) But why all the celebration? Just what are we celebrating?

This is what we are celebrating. Take a moment to read it over. Sometimes the antiquated language makes it difficult to understand. The link I gave you to read has sections underlined. If you click on the underlined sections, it will describe what that section means.

Unfortunately, the original copy has become very faded due to poor preservation techniques in the past. If you are ever lucky enough, you can still visit the original copy in person in Washington D.C. at the National Archives Building. Through the National Archives website, you can add your signature to the Declaration of Independence. I encourage you to read the introduction instead of skipping it. (It's not long.) Then choose your quill and sign your name. After clicking submit, read the next page carefully. It really puts into perspective what our Founding Fathers put at risk but felt they had to do to gain our nation's independence.

This weekend, as you eat your burger and potato salad, reflect on the reason you are celebrating. And offer a toast to the Founding Fathers.


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