Thursday, February 22, 2007

I'm having a...

...shitty week.

I worked extra this week, so that threw me off to start with.

I haven't been sleeping well all week. I'm waking up frequently in the middle of the night. No reason. I'm usually a pretty sound sleeper though, so it's bugging me.

My father-in-law/stepdad called yesterday to let me know my mom was hospitalized with diverticulitis and a reaction to a medication she was taking for the diverticulitis. (She became jaundiced.) So I spoke with him at 8:30 pm last night and asked that he call me again today to give me an update. I left a message with him at 9:30 this morning telling him he could call my cell phone as I would have it in my pocket at work today. He never called.

I talked to my sister-in-law though, and it turns out he had a moment to call her. Nevermind calling any of mom's daughters to let them know how their mom is doing.

I called again at 7:30pm tonight and had to leave a message since his phone is turned off. I tried calling the hospital because some of what he has told us doesn't make sense. Of course, the hospital won't give me any information because of HIPPA laws. (I had to try though.)

Then about 9pm, hubby called his cell phone and he answered. He had a bad signal though, so he said he would hang up and call back. When he called back, I could not talk to him. I was/am quite upset with him. I was already ticked after talking to him last night because he has this *knack* of ticking off the hospital staff. For whatever reason, when someone he knows is in the hospital, he thinks everyone should be spending all their time on HIS family member. Nevermind the more critically ill patient or the post-surgical patient or anyone else. He wants them all to jump and grab their magic wands and fix everything NOW. He was told to leave at 8pm last night due to visiting hours being over. He was telling me on the phone he was going to sneak back in. I hope he doesn't get arrested for trespassing on top of everything else.

Today, mom is a bit better. She's still tired and weak from the infection and still sore. But she no longer has a fever. They won't let her go home until she poops. Seems like a reasonable request since she's in there for bowel issues.

Another thing I'm dealing with - My best friend (Medicine Man) has been on my mind a lot the past 3 days. Since he'd recently told me he and his wife are having some troubles, I was chalking it up to that. Well, I spoke to him this morning - turns out I had good reason to be thinking about him. He'd been to the doctor due to a cough that wasn't going away. They did a chest x-ray and found a spot on his lung. So he had a CAT scan yesterday and is awaiting those results. For cryin' out loud, he's only 37! He can't have lung cancer! He doesn't smoke. He's not a healthy eater and not much of an exerciser. Maybe this incident will get him on a healthier track in life. (He tends to drink too much, IMHO.)

And to top it all off, I'm coming down with a yeast infection. Darn it all, I only had one in my whole life until the past few months. I've had three in the past 4 months. Grrrr....

So I feel like shit. And it's gonna snow this weekend. A lot. Sigh. I think the air will be just right for drinking.


At 7:54 AM , Blogger Cursing Mama said...

Will you do me a huge favor (I know, the gaull of some people) - will you go see your doctor and tell your doctor about all of this. Today. I know you're coping and I know that you need to be there for everyone - but you need to also take care of you.

At 4:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hugs, dear friend.

At 11:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cursingmama, did ya notice she didn't say she would. Shall we pick her up and carry her?


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