Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Not quite as blah

When I got up Sunday, I was feeling like it was going to be a better day than Saturday. Saturday, I was just so *blah* - tired, headachy, a little depressed.

Sunday was just ok. I ended up spending a little bit of money (the last of my christmas money) on a pair of ice skates. For the first time in two years, there was ice on the rink at the park and it wasn't 40 below. All on the same day! I was dying to skate! A couple years ago, I rented a pair of skates for the winter. Hockey skates. I originally learned to skate when I was a freshman in high school and got a pair of figure skates. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't quite get the hang of it. A friend recommended I try hockey skates instead - they have a firmer boot so your ankle has more support. And without the *toe pick* thing at the front, you don't trip as much.

Or so she said.

Well, she was RIGHT! I loved it! She and I and Frodo skated quite a few times that winter. Frodo took lessons (and I watched and learned myself). It was fun.

Last winter, it was too warm, so there wasn't any ice on the rink at the park. This winter started out that way, but mother nature made up for lost time recently by dipping us waaaaay below zero for multiple days in a row. So now there was ice. And it was a balmy 18ยบ on Saturday. Unfortunately, the parks crew has done a horrible job maintaining the rink, so it was all bumpy and even had some potholes that you could fit an entire child into. But we skated anyhow.

After skating, we came home and helped Frodo make his valentine "mailbox" for school. I remember making those in elementary school. It was so much fun. Prior to this year, Frodo's teachers just had them staple a couple pieces of construction paper together to make a pouch. I always thought that was lame. So hooray for this year's teacher!

After Frodo went to bed that night, my friend and I stayed up talking. For a few HOURS. She's been quite down the past week, so we talked about the differences between normal blues (because she didn't get a promotion she tried hard for and really wanted) and depression. We've both been down the depression road before. I think it helped her some just to talk to someone who understood. We came to the conclusion that if she doesn't feel better in a week or two, she needs to call her doctor and get her prescription increased.

Monday, I had all sorts of plans to get things done. Again, I felt tired, headachy, and a little depressed. By 11:30am, I was under a blanket on the couch and in short time, I fell asleep. I slept for six hours. Sheesh! There are some NIGHTS I don't get that much sleep! And even after that, I was still all *blah* the rest of the evening. I don't know what's going on. If this doesn't stop by next week, I'm gonna go see my doctor. (And probably just get the same old line I always get - "I don't know. Must be a virus." Whatever.) At least today I'm not as blah. That's good.


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