Monday, January 31, 2005

I'm pretty darn happy to have...

...just one child. Frodo is our one and only and will stay that way forever. Post partum depression sucks the big one and I really don't want to chance that road again. (Think 110mph down a narrow street in a convertible with the top down in a driving rain and sleet in the dark with no headlights and the car is headed straight for a brick wall and the brakes aren't working.... That's the road I was on. LOL. No desire to visit there again thankyouverymuch.)

Our bestest friends have one daughter that is 7 months younger than Frodo. She is spending the night here tonight. Her mom is an RN and had an opportunity to go to a conference for work so mom has the week in New Orleans. (Lucky beyotch!) Her dad is a paramedic and works 24 hour shifts and is working tonight. So I got a taste of multiple kids for the night - supper, homework, bedtime.... I really like this little gal, and she and Frodo are like siblings and get along even better than siblings. We've had a nice night and all, but it just reinforces for me how happy I am with our little family of three. :)


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