Monday, April 04, 2005


It doesn't happen to me often, but every now and then, I just can't sleep. And tonight (or is it this morning?) is one of those times. Sometimes it happens because I have a low activity day. But that sure wasn't the case today! I dragged Frodo out for a hike, swept winter out of the garage, made dinner, did the dishes, and went for a walk! Why can't I sleep?

Some of tonight's insomnia is probably due to the time change a bit. Some is because I have in my head about 7 things to do just for tomorrow. Some is just general stress.

Aha!!! I think I've got it! Where's that tequila?!?!? Then I'll be able to sleep! ;)

One more day of spring break and Frodo will be back in school. I can't believe I've survived this many days with first hubby on vacation, then Frodo on break. 24 days with one of those boys home the whole time.... Mama needs a break.

Didn't someone mention tequila?


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