Thursday, March 10, 2005

Eight years ago today... 9:05 am, Frodo was born. :)

Humorous quotes from that day:

  • "Oh my god! We didn't pack a suitcase yet!", hubby said after my water broke.
  • "I can't come to work today.", I said to my boss on the phone about 1½ hours before Frodo was born.
  • "Don't you dare 'shush' me!", I said to my hubby during transition.
  • "Mel, hon. You need to relaaaax", said my doctor about an hour before Frodo was born. (Bwwaahhaahaa!!! Obviously my doc was a man.... Shortly thereafter I was given some very pleasant narcotics.)
  • "Have you ever delivered a baby before?", I said to the resident in the middle of pushing.

Frodo was (and still is) a much desired and wanted child after I had a miscarriage in October of '95. After the miscarriage, upon advice from my doctor, we put off trying to concieve again for a few months to allow my body to heal some. During that time, I started a new job in a pediatric clinic and since I'd never had chicken pox in my life, I needed to be vaccinated for that. (Don't want to be susceptible to chicken pox when you work in peds!!) So because of possible side effects of that vaccination, the *trying to conceive* business needed to be put off yet another few months.

Finally, in June of '96 (on Father's Day, hee hee) Frodo was concieved. It was at hubby's family's cottage *up north*. This cottage was a place that was near and dear to the hearts of (most of) hubby's family, but due to inter-family squabbles (pretty much due to the stubbornness, laziness, and stinginess of FIL's brother), it had to be sold and no longer exists. So I like to think of Frodo as not only an extension of the love hubby and I have for each other, but also a continuation of the love of that beautiful and special place *up north*.


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