Friday, September 30, 2005

I have one spot that REALLY hurts...

...and it's not even related to my surgery. I have a zit in the crease where my left earlobe meets my head that is THE most painful spot on my body at this moment!!! Good Grief! I've got some acne cream on it in an attempt to dry it out some.

I talked to my baby sister last night. She was giving me grief that I never told her I was having surgery. (Whups.) She was telling me that she used to be all jealous of me and our other sister because we were "well endowed" and she wasn't as much. She told me she now realizes she has it better. (See what a little age does for ya? A bit o' wisdom!) And does she ever have it better! (Like I always say, if you don't have 'em you can fake 'em. But when you do have 'em, it's not like you can hide 'em!) She's got a body most people would die for - except for the fact that she's only 5'1". LOL. But dang, she looks good! She and her sweetie are thinking of having their wedding next fall.


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