Sunday, November 20, 2005

Bush is on a trip! (Physically or mentally, you decide...)

"U.S. President George W. Bush pressed China on Sunday to expand religious, political and social freedoms"

"Appearing before reporters at his hotel before he attended a lavish dinner with his Chinese hosts, Bush rejected the notion that it was unpatriotic to disagree with him. "People should feel comfortable about expressing their opinions about Iraq," he said. "This is not an issue of who is patriotic and who is not patriotic. It's an issue of an honest open debate about the way forward in Iraq."

I find all this... *intersting*. And I also take issue with it.

expand religious freedoms: China has rules about religion - worshippers can only worship in state-sanctioned churches and temples. Any home-based churches are considered illegal and are shut down. They do sanction churches and temples from various groups: Christianity, Islam, Taoism, and Buddhism. Why I find this interesting and take issue with it - look at the mess you get into when you mix church and state! They do NOT belong together. Not in China, and not in the United States.

expanding political freedoms: China is a highly censored country. The media is controlled, the internet is controlled.... all information is not freely exchanged, but is monitored and censored by the government to make it "directed toward serving the people and socialism". Why I find this interesting and take issue with it - take a look at our own current media situation in the US. A prime example is the ban on media coverage of the coffins of US Soldiers that arrive from Iraq. We are DEFINITELY freer in the US than we are in China, there's no doubt about it! But our major media reporting is still very one-sided and controlled to some extent. Which is why it is always good to get some news each day from other outlets outside of the US. I would recommend Canada, Germany, and France for starters. Then you can broaden your horizons from there - try finding the news from other countries and see how other countries view the US and world issues. It's very enlightening.

expanding social freedoms: China is a country where freedom of speech and action is not existent. Journalists are tested and only those who pass this test are issued a license to work in the country. China also still has the "One Child" policy - each family is allowed one child only. China also uses "reeducation camps" as punishment within the legal system. Why I find this interesting and take issue with it - Once again, compare this to our own country: Journalists were beaten down after 9/11 - "either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists". Another fine example is The Patriot Act. You better watch what you say or do, because under the Patriot Act, the government can mine much of your records (internet visits, emails, library books, daily financial transactions, etc...) and can even ENTER YOUR HOME without a court order and you would never be notified that your records had been accessed. It's possible you are being spied on by your own country. Isn't that comforting? Don't you just love your freedom?

Bush rejected the notion that it was unpatriotic to disagree with him. "People should feel comfortable about expressing their opinions about Iraq," he said. "This is not an issue of who is patriotic and who is not patriotic. It's an issue of an honest open debate about the way forward in Iraq." Oooookaaay.... Sure we're having open and honest debate. Gotta love the "debating" Cheney used on Wednesday. That sounds sooooo open and honest.... (NOT!) And in the middle of that article - "During a press conference Thursday in Gyeongju, South Korea, Bush was asked about Cheney’s comments. “I agree with the vice president,” Bush said."

So are you with us, or are you with the terrorists? It can't be so black and white because if you are not with "us", then you are labeled as being with the terrorists. Does that make for honest and open debate? I think not.

I'm about vented out here. I have a cold right now, so I'll be surprised if any of this comes across as coherent.

Have a happy Sunday!


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