Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Emerging from the rubble...

Frodo's room has been a disaster area for quite a few months now. I was >this close< to calling emergency management to request funding assistance for the cleanup.

Starting yesterday, with surprisingly minimal prodding from me, he and I got in there with trash bags and rubbermaid storage bins and started clearing it out. (Fortunately in my house, we don't allow food in the bedroom, so at least I didn't have to worry about finding 3 month old pizza in there...) I'm not so sure why he was willing to chip in. I thought maybe he was coming down with something. (In all honesty, he did develop a fever today.)

Two storage bins were filled with crap, um, I mean toys, that Frodo had deemed he could part with. (Be still my heart! There just might be hope for the little pack rat yet!) Two more storage bins were filled with more crap, I mean more toys, that Frodo has declared he cannot part with. (Ok. Only a little bit of hope.) One trash bag made it out. It mostly contained broken things, parts to toys we had no idea what they belonged to, valentines from 1st grade he was finally willing to part with, and scraps of paper that made no sense.

Then, we went to Target and bought some cube shelves. (On sale too! Yay!) They make these cool fabric drawers that fit right in the shelves as well, and we bought lots of different colors. We divided the "keep" things into piles based the *thing's* function. We filled the little fabric drawers, shoved them in the shelves, and ~voila!~. His room looks twice as big now! And I can walk through the room! One side to the other without stepping on a Lego or a book or an army guy or anything!

And of course, now that I can see the carpet, it looks awful. Maybe we should just throw a few toys down to cover those spots up....


At 8:17 AM , Blogger Cursing Mama said...

We're doing closet systems for the kids right now. And by "we" I mean Mr.M. Anyway we had to wait until Princess was out of town because we needed a safe place to keep all the stuff from the closets away from the cats. We've filled her room up. There is a narrow path to the closet and that is all that's left. GAH!

At 10:51 PM , Blogger Mel said...

Isn't it amazing how much *stuff* we can collect as americans? It makes me feel blessed and ill all at the same time...


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