Ever feel like you've been caught in a tornado and it took a long time to set you back down? That's me.
It all started about two weeks ago. I had two appointments and a meeting on top of my usual stuff that week. Then hubby left for 6 days to go deer hunting with his dad. While the two of them were off hunting, my mom came here to hang out and avoid the testosterone that was going to be flying fast and furious up there. I get along great with my mom, but she sure can throw me off my schedule! I'm used to having some time in the evening after Frodo has gone to bed. It's my unwind time. That flew right out the window with mom here. Ugh.
Hubby left on a Wednesday. It was after the appointment days and on the meeting day. Thursday and Friday, I worked. Friday night, Frodo went to a college basketball game with his aunt and cousin. After the game, I had to go pick him up. We got back home after an ice cream stop (who can turn down a hot fudge sundae from Culver's?!?). The next morning, I was up earlier than I wanted to be up. That afternoon, we went to a movie with my sister-in-law and her daughter. Happy Feet is an interesting movie. Then we went to dinner and my niece wanted Frodo to spend the night at her house. My sister-in-law was willing, so off he went. Mom and I and a friend of mine went to a casino where I proceeded to feed the slot machines some cash. They should be well fed now. :P My friend won $100 though, so that was good.
The next day, mom wanted to go shopping. We shopped. After we got home, Frodo came home, then hubby and his dad arrived as well, with blaze orange and guns in tow. My house looks like deer camp bomb exploded. Monday finally rolls around. My head is spinning. Having my father in law around is like having a toddler around. He's always busy and fighting a nap. Just like a toddler. There's good reason I have an only child....
Mom and dad in law stick around until Tuesday. They leave, I try to get my house back to normal, and next thing you know, it's Wednesday and I'm going to work.
Thursday, I'm up to bake a couple pies for Thanksgiving dinner. We have *Anti-Family Thanksgiving* with a group of friends. It started a few years back when Medicine Man was talking on the phone with a dear old friend of his from out-of-state. She was complaining that her family and her hubby's family BOTH wanted her and her hubby and kids at their homes for Thanksgiving and neither was willing to budge. She was frustrated. Medicine Man said, "come up here for Thanksgiving and avoid them all!" So she did. So began Anti-Family Thanksgiving. Ever since then, we have multiple but non-related families together for Turkey Day. It's sooooo much fun. This year's feast was at Aunt Jen's house. (She's really not related, but that's what we call her.) She grilled the turkey and it was FABULOUS. As always, it was a nice time. In fact this year, it was extra nice - the weather was warm and mostly sunny. We actually sat out on the patio for awhile and flipped through the Black Friday ads while the turkey cooked. It was a pleasant treat.
Friday, I was up a little early to do a little shopping. I wasn't one of those *up at 4am* folks. That's just insane. I was up at 7:30 though. I found a few good deals. I was pleasantly surprised at the politeness of the shoppers. Maybe they all had Anti-Family Thanksgivings as well.
That afternoon, the weather was VERY nice, so we put some lights up on the house. Just some white icicle lights topped with a string of blue lights. Usually, I'm the one that is out there all by myself putting these up (and doing the final gutter cleaning of the season). This year I drafted some help by the name of hubby and Frodo. Heh heh. Frodo actually WANTED to get on the roof with us. So I let him. He enjoyed the new perspective of our neighborhood. And he found out he's not terribly fond of heights. Just like his mom.
Saturday, we went to a college hockey game. Frodo had never been to a hockey game before, so that was fun. It was a good game. I also tried catching up on laundry that day.
Sunday, I was flat out EXHAUSTED. I got up, had a cup of coffee, checked my emails, ate a bowl of cereal, then plopped myself on the couch. And fell asleep. After I woke up, I was starting to feel a bit back to normal. Today, however, was what got me completely back to normal. Hubby was sleeping in from working last night and Frodo was off to school. Finally, some time for ME. It was divine. I mostly vegged in front of the computer playing games. (There's a nice selection of free games through msn.)
I'm finally feeling back to normal. Aaahhh.....