Thursday, November 02, 2006

Gonna start off with a couple vents...

First vent - I had a post going here. All typed up. Not done yet. I tried to access another website in a second window I had open, and *poof* everything is frozen. I get a pop-up box - "Windows has encounterd an error. Would you like to report this error to Microsoft?"

Well no shit, I wanna report this error! And who else can I yell at about it? And what the heck does my reporting of this error even accomplish? And why did everything I just typed get lost now?!?!? Argh!!!!

My other vent - If you're gonna cut me off in traffic on the freeway, you damn well better be going the speed limit I was going before you cut me off! And just because someone has a stalled car waaaaaay off the shoulder of the road does NOT give you reason to slam on your brakes and cause a huge accident just because you wanted to see what that person was doing. And my all-time number one driving chant: SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT. There are quite a few people in the city tonight that hopefully are growing huge warts on their noses after I wished that upon them today for their lack of driving skills.

You would think I was PMSing, but I'm not. Thank goodness. Becuase otherwise I'd probably be another news story.

Aaaahhh... I feel better now.

I'm stressing out a bit about next week's mid-term elections. I really have nothing personally invested in it - I'm not a canditate, nor do I play one on tv. I'm mostly worried about this election being stolen like so many others have been. No, I'm not a "sore loser". I've just been reading Greg Palast* too much lately. I was reading it last night, and Frodo came to me and asked me what the book was about. I tried my best to explain to him that the part I was reading was about some people cheating in elections. He asked, "How can they cheat?" I put it in a context he would understand - elementary school student council elections. His eyes got huge as he realized there were people in the world who were dishonest about something like that. He said it was impossible to cheat in the student council election - each student only got one piece of paper to write their two choices. Even fourth grade student council has a paper trail....

Speaking of explaining things to Frodo - I do have a funny story.

I was sitting on the couch the other day, working on a cross stitch piece. (That's my *crafty* thing I do. I can't wrap my mind around knitting, lol.) I don't even remember how this conversation started.... Frodo says something about, "Well, of course I'm a lot like you mom, you made me.".

Dh jumps in saying he had some input as well.

Ds stops and looks at him.... I'm thinking, oh no, here it comes. Time for THE big discussion! I'm running all sorts of possible questions and answers in my head. Will I need to draw diagrams? I hope not. I can't draw.

Dh says, "Yeah. You know, I told them I wanted a kid that behaved well, had a good sense of humor, and a great laugh."

"Them?" replies ds.

"Yep. At Babies R Us. What do you think they sell there? At Toys R Us, it's toys. So at Babies R Us, it must be babies!"

Enjoy the giggle!

*post edited on 11/7/06 to correct the link. The prior link took you someplace else. All better now!


At 2:57 PM , Blogger KinnicChick said...

:) Very cute.

At 2:58 PM , Blogger KinnicChick said...

And venting about the slower traffic? I vote we just keep them off the road altogether. *harumph*


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