Thursday, March 15, 2007

I have a little updatin' to do!

In my last post, I was complaining about all the snow. Well, on Monday, it was 69ºF here. Needless to say, the snow disappeared. Although it's back to the chilly temps now, it sure was nice to have a taste of spring.

My mom is doing fine. She's having a few issues with different foods bugging her tummy, but overall, she's feeling ok.

My friend Medicine Man got his CAT scan results. Nothing there. The radiologists decided the xray must've just had a shadow of some sort on it. Phew!

Frodo turned 10 last weekend. He had a slumber party with some friends to celebrate. And you know what? I would totally do the slumber party thing again. (Now you all know I am completely crazy. I don't deny it.) Except I'd do it during nicer weather when they boys can run OUTSIDE and play as opposed to all over the inside of my house. I don't have that big of a house for 5 boys to be playing nerf dart tag and nerf sword fights and nerf whatever else inside.

Hubby was turned down for LASIK surgery (his cornea is too flat), so he got fitted for contact lenses. He's never been able to bring himself to wear contacts before, but he was sooooo sick of wearing glasses (he's been wearing them for 30 years) he was finally motivated enough to allow himself to touch his own eye. (Oh, the horror! Having to touch your own eye!) His contacts came in and he wore them for the first time on Tuesday. He's doing ok with them. It's gonna take practice. It takes him awhile to get them in and out. But I'm sure in time, he'll be like an old pro. It sure is weird seeing him without glasses!

And now the Queen (aka: the cat) is bothering me to go to bed. I suppose I can try. The large diet Pepsi from Taco Hell at supper was not the best choice..... Too much caffeine so late at night.....


At 8:24 AM , Blogger Cursing Mama said...

crap - lost my original comment. (which was totally brilliant - of course;))

So glad all is well & that the scary stuff is not going to be scary - except that repeat slumber party thing ::shudder::

At 10:29 PM , Blogger nenanars said...

Happy Birthday, Frodo!


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