Wednesday, December 29, 2004

A visit to the allergist

Doesn't that sound like loads of fun?!?!?? You know you wanna..... Everybody's doing it.....

Lucky Frodo got to see the allergist today. He's been having increasing symptoms with his viral induced asthma, so his pediatrician wanted us to go there to find out if *something* was behind it all.

So ahead of time I do NOTHING to prepare Frodo for this visit besides tell him we're going to the doctor's office. This kid gets HIGHLY bent out of shape about shots and needles. I wasn't about to tell him all about skin testing.... He would've needed elephant tranqulizers if he knew ahead of time. Heck, dh had skin testing done at about the same age and still gets all hypervenilating about it 27 years later.... (Men are wimps. Oh! Did I just type that out loud??)

To make a long story a bit shorter, the doctor was AWESOME, we ended up doing skin testing, Frodo was brave, but started crying at the end but still held still like he was supposed to, and he broke out from only 4 of the 40 test spots. But when he breaks out from something, he does it BIG! Turns out he's allergic to alternaria (a prevalent outdoor mold), dog (we knew that already from previous exposure), cat (Eek! We have a kitty!) , and shellfish (that one was the *surprise welt of the day*).

So. What does this mean? (Any other Lutheran confirmation class survivors out there? LOL!)

No shellfish. (Big whoop-de-do. I don't like the stuff anyhow, so it's never in the house. Can't say anyone's died from a *shrimp deficiency* either....)

No dog. (Fine with me. Having a dog is like having another kid, and I don't want another one of those either!)

Alternaria? We either keep the kid in a bubble as long as there's no snow on the ground, or just treat the symptoms during peak alternaria time. (Aug/Sept. That explains a lot.) We'll treat. The bubble was just too damn expensive. ;)

But what about the kitty?!?!?!?

The doc says, no need to get rid of the kitty. Her dander is already all over the house, so getting rid of her isn't going to change a thing at this time. (Phew!!) We will discuss further options down the road if needed. (Ie: immunotherapy, aka "allergy shots". Oh yeah. THAT'S gonna go over real well with Frodo.... I sure hope we don't have to head that way!)

We got a prescription for Singulair with instructions to take that daily, to use the albuterol inhaler as needed, and check back in 2 months for another *breathing test* to see how the Singulair is working.

If only everything else were as simple as this!!!

I'm still stunned about the shellfish. Huh. How weird.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

How come...

...microwave windows have all those little holes in it so it's hard to see what's cooking inside??? I just wanted to see if the water inside was boiling and now my eyes hurt from trying to look in those little holes....

Feeling Depressed

I hate this time of year. Christmas is done, my house is a mess, and the weather sucks. And this year I'm in a funk I just can't quite seem to shake.

I'm sure a big part of it is being stuck in the house the past week or so. I just CAN'T sit still and watch tv or a movie. I'm restless. I don't even want to read much. I'm just BLAH. So I've been eating lots of chocolate (you should see the pile of Hershey Kisses wrappers) and getting myself unwound and to sleep each night with a glass of wine or a cocoa with butterscotch schnapps. (Hmmm... Which one will it be tonight??)

I tried getting out today and going for a hike. Since Frodo is off school this week, he came with me. Of course, he had to complain half of the time. (Sigh. I guess at least the other half of the time he didn't complain.) He'll be back to school on Monday, so as long as I can hold out until then, and it doesn't drop to 20 below by then, I'll go for a good, long hike on Monday.

Don't get me wrong - I DO take anti-depressants and am *much* better than I used to be about keeping tabs on my feelings and moods. I do know that if this lasts more than a couple weeks it's time to head back to my drug dealer for an increase in my meds (don't worry - he's a doctor with a license and it's all legal - just my humorous name for him). But for right now, I just feel like having a pity party.

Sunday, December 26, 2004

A list...

My shopping pet peeves....
  1. People who don't say *excuse me* or *thank you*
  2. People who are too darn lazy to take their cart to the kindly provided cart corral.
  3. People who take up the ENTIRE freakin' aisle with their cart parked on one side and their arse on the other.
  4. People who don't yield the right of way to pedestrians in a crosswalk or in any part of a parking lot.
  5. People who are just downright rude.

Can ya tell I was out shopping a little today?

Frodo got a gift card and some cash for christmas and it was all burning a hole in his little pocket. He wanted to go shopping yesterday afternoon, but being it was still christmas day, stores were still closed. (I suppose I *could've* taken him to the gas station on Main Street that is run by the friendly middle eastern family that keeps their business open on the christian holidays or I could've taken him to the 24 hour Walgreens.... But I didn't.)

So late this afternoon, we headed out. I was hoping that by then, many folks would be home after a day of bargain shopping. ;) We went and spent a little of his money (he's one happy owner of two new video games), and spent even more of my money. (I'm now the *proud* owner of some kleenex, batteries for my camera, a box of tampons, some ziploc bags, some toilet cleaner, and a box of dishwasher soap. I don't feel quite as estatic as Frodo. I wonder why....)

Actually, I did score a few bargains at a local sports store. Frodo will be taking ice skating lessons starting two weeks from today. (His request for a fun class for winter.) So we needed to get him some ice skates. I got a great deal on some skates - originally priced at $50, marked down to $40, sign said "take an extra 25% off" (we're down to $30 now), then an additional 30% off all purchases in their store today. Twenty one bucks for brand new skates AND they will sharpen them for free. I also picked up a new pair of snow boots for Frodo and only paid $3.50 for them. (The used ones at goodwill are more expensive!!) And hubby scored 3 new t-shirts without even being there. I tried on some shoes and a couple pair of hiking boots, but didn't really find much that fit me. Oh well. I did pick up a new jigsaw puzzle at Target to keep me entertained for a couple evenings. If not, I can always do something with all those ziploc bags and camera batteries. ;)

Friday, December 24, 2004

Happy Holidays!

I hope you all have a very merry christmastime!

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

I'm just NOT...

...domestic at all. I'm completely procrastinating doing any housework right now. I have plenty of cleaning and laundry to do, but I don't wanna! (Wah!) I'm supposed to make a holiday treat or two to take into work tomorrow, but I don't wanna! (Wah again!)

At least it's arctic cold outside - because if it was tolerable out, I'd be gone in a heartbeat, lol. But it's about 13 below right now. The kind of cold where your nostrils freeze shut. It looks like Mother Nature thinks I better get some of that domestic crap done. ;)

I wonder how much a maid would cost....

Monday, December 20, 2004

Winter used to be great!

Here's one of those "when I was a kid" things, lol.

When I was a kid, I remember having snow in the winter. Not this crapola we've had the past few years around here. I remember being able to make a snowman, build a snowfort, and just play in the snow for hours. Now all Frodo knows about winter is that it's fucking cold with hard, frozen ground and dead plants everywhere. Sheesh. The kiddo will be 8yrs old this spring and has never been able to build a snowman because of lack of snow. If we do get snow, it's just that fluffy, powdery stuff that doesn't stick together, or else it's waaaaay too cold for any living creature to be outside. What's up with that?!?!?!?

I had to go out and buy more long underwear for hubby so he doesn't freeze to death at work. The poor guy was working in -25ºF windchills the other night and one pair of long underwear didn't quite cut it under his uniform. (No kidding! I could've told him that...) It will be fun for him to learn how to deal with working outside in the cold. ;) I bought him one of those hats we call a "Fargo" hat. (Did you see the movie? Then you know what I'm talking about - one of those fuzzy on the inside hats with ear flaps.) He wouldn't wear it. He gets too worried about how things look. Well honey, if it's that cold, NOBODY looks good, lol. And if they look good, they're a human popsicle.

Frodo asked for long underwear as well, so he got some too. The kiddo has had PLENTY of *indoor recess* time the past few years because of the bitter cold we've been getting. Ugh.

I think I'll ask Santa for some snow this winter. ;)

Saturday, December 18, 2004

I'm learning a little...

Over on my sidebar, I added a counter. Cool!

And I'm also trying to add links to other blogs I read. I got a header for the section, but am stuck at how to get the links listed under there. So for now, it looks like I don't read any other blogs, lolol. I actually have about 5 in my favorites folder that I check in on routinely. But, I only had a limited amount of time this morning, so I'm stopping the self-taught lesson where it's at, and will work on it more later! If you have any suggestions or links for me, feel free to reply to this message!!! :)

Have a happy Saturday!

Friday, December 17, 2004

I'm such a slacker here lately!!!

First, I had the darn cold. (I'm better now except for a little residual cough, TYVM.) Then I got a phone call from a gal, begging me to cover for her Monday morning to teach a CPR class. Ok, I'm a sucker for begging. There. I said it. So I taught a CPR class on Monday. I feel like it didn't do a very good job. But they all passed, so I guess I did ok. :P

Then for whatever reason, I decided I needed to finish ALL my christmas shopping NOW. So Monday afternoon, Tuesday, and part of Wednesday, I went shopping. And shopping. And shopping. Most of the time, I enjoy it. During the week, the clerks and customers are much nicer. But I hate when I get an idea in my head of a gift for someone and I just can't find the gift.... Drives me batty. And all I was looking for was a pen that lights up on the writing end! I got one as a promotional item recently and someone said they liked it, so of course, I remembered that, and off I went.... Took me forever to find it! But I'm happy to say that I'm done shopping! Just waiting for a few things I ordered online to arrive.

Wednesday afternoon was Frodo's *winter concert* at school. The school doesn't have facilities large enough to support an all school concert, so they break it down by grade. Kindergarten does one in the spring. 1st and 2nd grades have a winter concert. I don't know what the upper grades do since I haven't BTDT yet. It was a cute concert. I love how the kiddos belt out the songs at this age since they really aren't too nervous yet. (Although Frodo did complain about his tummy "feeling funny for a few minutes at the beginning then it went away".) And the little girl he's in love with brought her parents to meet him after the concert. She walked up behind him, patted his head, he turned around and she says to her parents, "This is my friend (insert real name here)". Frodo has been telling me she's been "acting suspicious", lololol. So I explained to him it probably means she likes him too. ;) Then I get the "Oh MOM" line. LOLOL.

Yesterday I worked. Today I will work. Tonight, Frodo and I are going to a pizza party at the school. And tomorrow, we will celebrate christmas with our extended family at my little sister's new house. (She lives about 1½ miles away, so I really don't have much traveling to do.) It will be nice for Frodo to get a chance to open a few presents so he'll stop bugging me about opening his presents under the tree.... And it will be nice to see my baby sister who moved a couple hours away in July and I haven't seen since. :)

Later 'gator!

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

I have no patience for viruses

Ugh. I hate being sick. I have a #)(&^*% cold right now, and I just need my sinuses tapped with one of those maple syrup tappers. All the sniffling and sneezing and crap is really getting on my nerves....

I was out for a bit today though, as I really wanted to be out and about and get some holiday shopping done. I have to say, shopping during the week rocks. The people are friendlier and the lines are shorter. I give weekday shopping two thumbs up.

I wonder how much cold medicine I can take and not be toxic....

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

It's December Already?!?!?!?

Where the heck did November go? OMG, this fall is just ~flying~ faster than the Concorde! I knew December was coming. I mean, we just had Thanksgiving dinner. We even went out and bought a new tree on "Black Friday". (Pre-lit! Woo Hoo!!!) I just can't figure out where the time has gone. Sorta reminds me of a saying: "The faster I go, the behinder I get". That's me. I'm behinder, lol.