Wednesday, August 10, 2005

The landfill...

...that was also known as Frodo's room, no longer resembles a landfill. You can actually see his carpet! And that reminded me that his room needs new carpet.

We put a LOT of stuff in boxes to keep it stored in the basement so it's out of his room, but still available if he wants it. However, in a bad mommy moment, I actually *meant* that anything he doesn't ask for within 12 months will be put out for a garage sale. He just has so much shit and his room is too small. I had to do SOMETHING. The kid is such a packrat that if I said we would be getting rid of anything, he'd keep EVERYTHING in his room. I kid you not. This is the same child that bawled his eyes out because he found out I did not keep every single scrap of paper he brought home from school. First grade alone created enough paper that had I kept it all, we would've had to build an addition just to store it.

I also put up a couple shelves on the wall so he has somewhere else to keep things. He's been putting together these Star Wars Legos like a little madman, but refuses to take them back apart. He wants to keep them together so he can play with them, and originally wanted to keep them all on top of his little dresser. (But that was only after I vetoed keeping them all on the kitchen table.) So I've added the shelves to give him more "display" space.

So for now, his room is known as "The Room Formerly Known as a Landfill". It will probably go back to being known as Landfill in time.


At 9:39 AM , Blogger Cursing Mama said...

Your not too far from Ikea are you?? They have some great bookcases (billy & expidit) you can hang on the wall and will give a kid a ton of display space - which we did for Gameboy and he LOVES them

At 12:24 PM , Blogger modernscarlett said...

You're packrat sounds just like mine! She rescues stuff out of the trash all the time. I have to sneak out anything I need to get rid of when she's asleep or out of the house. I feel your pain!

At 8:01 PM , Blogger Mel said...

The closest Ikea to me is about 2 hours away. I've actually never been there, but I hear good things about it.

A bookcase on the wall.... Now that's a cool idea.

At 8:03 PM , Blogger Mel said...

LOL Lori - I've sooo done that - I've taken things out in the cover of darkness the night before the trash is to be picked up.... I've hid things inside other containers or opaque bags.... It's so nice to know I'm not alone. Do you s'pose there's a support group for moms of packrats?


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