And yet another prolonged absence...
I'm such a slacker.
This time my excuse is that I really was sick. In my last post, I wanted to call in sick even though I wasn't. But I didn't. So for karmic payback, I got a nasty cold. I fell asleep on Saturday at about 5pm and pretty much slept thru until Monday at 10am. I occasionally got up and drank some juice or peed though. But I was never up for long. I'm glad I have a comfy couch.
I'm hoping I have some good early season antibodies built up now so I can have a healthy fall and winter. Yeah. That's it.
Frodo started school on Tuesday. He's in 4th grade now. He seems pretty indifferent about it, lol. When I try to think back about my experience in 4th grade, I really don't have any spectacular memories about it. I have lots of memories about 3rd grade, but I also had a unique experience where due to moving, I attended three different schools from September to May. I also have good memories of 5th grade. But all I can remember about 4th grade is that was the year EVERYONE had a large comb that stuck out of their back jeans pocket and I remember spending lots of time on social studies and maps and globes.
I sure do remember my US states and capitals, the South American countries and capitals, the European countries and capitals, and just the African countries though! (For some reason, we didn't have to learn African capitals.) Maybe they didn't teach us anything else in 4th grade....
Of course of the past couple weeks, I've had some *Aha! I should write about that!* moments. But do you think I can remember a single one? I'm gonna blame it on the excessive over-the-counter cold medications I've had to consume. With that said, I'm gonna call it a night.
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